Play sporcle s virtual live trivia to have fun, connect with people, and get your trivia on. If you found out that the answer or solution is not accurate. Galp orange emblem with white logo letter g at an angle in the middle. Wikimedia commons has media related to logos of software companies. Blue is often associated with the coolness of the sea and sky. The game logos quiz is on of the most popular games for iphone, ipad and android devices and it was made by atico mobile. Logo quiz answers, solution, cheat, walkthrough for level 1 can be used on iphone, ipad, ipod, android. The predecessor of the company, formerly known as ernst leitz gmbh, is now three companies producing cameras, geosurvey equipment, and microscopes, respectively. Hover over or click the logo to see when it was created and learn about. Blue can be youthful just because a company wants to convey seriousness and dependability with the color blue doesnt mean their logo has to look super serious and adulty. Media in category logos of software companies the following 200 files are in this category, out of 370 total.
Jun 08, 2012 the blue earth is in the background and takes up much less space which draws your eyes to the fox, showing dominance over the blue earth. L having trouble beating level 4 of this challenging game, like roxy. There are a variety of ways that these top ten products accomplish this lofty goal, but all are very successful. Test your logo design knowledge by guessing the year. Welcome to logo quiz ultimate answers page, the most addictive game for android, iphone and ipad. Logo quiz is a free game full of fun that consists on guessing the names of hundreds of logos from different companies.
The ex in the symbol shows its performing in different sectors. Guess the names of hundreds of logos from different companies, use hints if you dont know the answer to complete the game. Logos quiz game is a very challenging game where you have to guess the names of hundreds of logos from different companies. Top 20 famous logos designed in blue the design love. The game logo quiz answers contains levels, you are in the level 1. It also emerged that half of respondents are more likely to use a. Its branded lenses are used on many panasonic digital cameras lumix and video recorders. Hope the list inspire you to use blue in your next logo design. Your logo is your brands identity, so its important that it accurately represents your business. How well do you know brands like nike, pepsi, and cnn. This answers page was created for logo quiz ultimate game by icomania.
Be sure to also check out the tabs above the logos for letter p logos with one letter added and letter p logos with two letters added. Roxy blue circle with hands forming love shape in white. Simply enter your business name and browse stunning logos tailored for you. Logos quiz game features more than 500 brands and when you are blocked in the game, you can use the hints to solve the logos. If after using all the hints, you still dont know the. This are the answers company and the brand names for logo quiz at level 2. Logos for editorial use are suitable to illustrate news articles, but are not cleared for commercial use. Camper red rectangle with curve cut at the bottom and letters m and p inside it.
The original apple logo with its realistic style drawing looks way too complicated and forgettable for us, while the old starbucks. Logos quiz game is quiz game that is full of fun and all you. Aug 26, 2015 can you match the ceo with the company. Customize handcrafted logos logo maker premium logos for sale. Worldvectorlogo has the largest svg logo vector collection. Considering the evolution of our society and its demands the old instagram logo, introduced in 2010, might just not cut it today. L having trouble beating level 10 of this challenging game, like play doh. As of 2010, it was the worlds 12thlargest financial services group and 23rdlargest company according to a composite measure by forbes magazine. The original apple logo with its realistic style drawing looks way too. Test your knowledge of corporate logos in this fastpaced logo quiz. The professional downloadable logos can be purchased individually or a subscription to download all logos can be purchased. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Logos database features all the top logos along with logo details. Black and orange shield and rectangle with motor company harley davidson.
Logos quiz is the go to game for all of your logo trivia game needs. A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. This is a funny and addictive quiz game with hints, better than the popular one from iphone appstore. Take this slideshow quiz to see if you can guess which icon belongs to which brand. To place an image in this category, add the tag nonfree logosoftware company logos to. This page was last edited on 1 january 2019, at 03. Sep 10, 2016 software company openly appeals to startups and enterprises with the maturity of blue and the freshness of a lowercase, sansserif typeface. Logo quiz ultimate answers industry answers, cheats, solution with word list and logos for android. Logos quiz answers and cheats for level 4 of the popular game for iphone by developer aticod entertainment s.
The game logos quiz is on of the most popular games for iphone, ipad and android devices and it. Aticod is a company owned by javier perez estarriaga, the creator of logo quiz game. Dhmhtra gletzzf logo quiz for android answers level with all app games it appears to be easy at. This game features over 640 logos to guess, full keyboard support, hints, high resolution images and more. Logo quiz is a free game where you guess the names of thousands of logos from popular companies. This zuckerberg owned platform has a blue logo which is a popular choice for social media brands. Logos quiz answers and cheats for level 10 of the popular game for iphone by developer aticod entertainment s. It may stimulate feelings of trust, security, order, and. This section shows the collection of letter p logos.
How well do you know the logos of 50 of the worlds most famous companies. There are so many different software companies and startups and such a variety of niche fields in the world that a logo design is an important part of showing customers what makes your business different from the others. The blue earth is in the background and takes up much less space which draws your eyes to the fox, showing dominance over the blue earth. Blue is also considered as the color of nature since it is in serene skies and bright blue sea. If you looking for other answers and cheats from other websites, they show you all of the logos, i think you will spend more times to find out the answer and your eyes will get tired first. A visual trivia quiz where you choose the company that the logo represents by. For other letters, use the alphabet menu at the top of the page. We understand that choosing a logo design is a tough decision.
Check out the logos quiz answers level 4 for ipad and iphone. Logo quiz answers chevrolet level 2 chevrolet also known as chevy, is an american brand of vehicle produced by general motors gm. This bringsthe eyes to the front and makesthe logo much more interesting. Mar 02, 20 a logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos quiz answers and solution here will help you to pass all levels on the logo. Ultimate logo quiz industry answers with images logo quiz. To achieve this you have a lot of clues which you can use to help you complete the game. Logo quiz cheat this logo quiz display one logo one time, and you have five live only. I have made previous purchases and i remain convinced, the logo sportswear product is exactly what i need to represent the activity and the event i attend. No wonder, if blue is used in some of the famous brands since it has all the potential to make the right impact. A circle with three colors red, white and blue inside it pepsi p and s letter, one in red and another in combination of blue and yellow colors playstation. Logo quiz level 1 answers, cheats, solution with word list and logos for iphone, ipad, ipod, android.
Jun 26, 2012 logos quiz answers for addictive mind puzzlers. Then go to the next level and guess even more logos. It has been shown to calm the senses and lower blood pressure. Brand identity may contain just text or combination of text and symbol, the true essence of a brand is always conveyed through its color.
We can see various company logos every day and everywhere. A software logo graphic is unique among company logos because it must be appealing to wide range of consumersthat is, everyone who owns a computerand sell a prohibitively expensive product. Top company logos logos database logo search logos. A fifth believe red makes for the most memorable images, followed by blue and green. Getting a high score isnt just an accomplishment for you, thoughits also a sign. If a virtual private party is more your thing, go here for details. Thanks to these famous computer software companies, forms of data processing has allowed the integration of physical technologies to become converted to digital technologies. Graphic symbols and elements we see in famous logos today are a result of numerous techniques studied in the last couple of centuries. May, 2012 logo quiz cheat this logo quiz display one logo one time, and you have five live only. When did the credit card company introduce the blue box into its logo history. Using initial logos is a common move for wellestablished brands in an industry. All you need is basic software that processes what letter you press on a keyword. Logo quiz cheats how to solve logo quiz, logo quiz 2, logo quiz android, logo.
Search results for white p in blue box logo for what company logo vectors. Logo quiz answers solutions walkthrough for all levels. Some of these companies have become lasting contributors with the advancement of multi media design, enterprise management software solutions, and creating computing language that spawns on. Ultimate logo quiz industry answers with images logo. It is the actually the logo of gulf oil petroleum company of pittsburgh. A blue letter p logo using multiple outlines to create a mazefeel. A brand or product is recognized and known by the logo it represents today. Air france e letter in blue at the end and red triangle beside it. Here you will find logo quiz answers level 8 company logos solution. If you are looking for other version of logo quiz, here is it.
The levels are tricky and difficult, but you can count on us for all of your logos quiz answers. We have 4465 free white p in blue box logo for what company vector logos, logo templates and icons. Here is a listing of famous computer software company logos. Software startups logo designs are an important part of success in this growing industry. See if you can identify the ceos who run some of the worlds largest companies. Allianz is a german multinational financial services company headquartered in munich, germany. The game logo quiz ultimate answers contains 21 levels, you are in the level 12. What your logos color says about your company infographic. So if youre someone who can recognize any fast food or car dealership sign from the highway, this game is a must have download. Ive developed a rapport with the graphics and design department. To place an image in this category, add the tag nonfree logo software company logos to the bottom of the images description page.
This page has all the logos quiz answers and cheats to help you beat the game. Todays logo features two shades of blue as well as a layered p symbol. Can you identify 50 famous companies by their logos. Logo quiz ultimate industry answers, cheats, solution with word list and logos for android. Rate 5 stars rate 4 stars rate 3 stars rate 2 stars rate 1 star. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. On this page you will find the answers, solution, walk through company and the brand names for logo quiz an addictive game created by aticod. These are the correct answers for logo quiz level 2. Logo quiz respuestas nivel 9 logan, company logo, game logo.
Below are a few helpful hints from our professional logo designers for you to keep in mind while you are going through the process. If you found out that the answer or solution is not accurate, please leave comment below, we will update to you as soon as possible. Gordons circle frame in gold with ornament and a hog head in it and est and 1769 written on either side. Logo quiz answer for all level, this is the famous logo quiz that has. Join a live hosted trivia game for your favorite pub trivia experience done virtually. In the form below select your level and we will show you the answer. He is born in pamplona, spain and now lives in vitoriagasteiz.
Logo design made easy get free logo ideas freelogoservices. Some of these companies have become lasting contributors with the advancement of multi media design, enterprise management software solutions, and creating computing language that spawns on new technological advances for developers. May 15, 2012 what is the blue b on logo quiz for android. If you are not sure which category an image belongs to, consult the image tag page. The great thing about the logo sportswear is that my family is just as pleased as i am. Logos quiz level 10 answers logo quiz game answers. There are max 16,777,216 colors available to use in a logo design, yet logo designers stick to some of the basic colors like red, green and blue yeah. The pawn collection logo has onepawn in front of the rest whichshows dominance. Later on, the brand decided to go with a lettermark in its current design. Facebook used to carry a wordmark logo or a symbol containing a brands full name.
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